ETC-labo now performs initial description of return sample from Ryugu on compositional, mineralogical and structual properties using the infrared hyperspectral microscope MicrOmega.
Development of new instrument for future missions and sample return, such as thmermal IR microscope, multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer.
2021/04/27 : "Signs of aqueously altered materials and carbonaceous materials were found in Ryugu return sample with the MicrOmega hyperspectral microscope in the ISAS Curation Facility" in the Hayabusa2 Monthly Press Conference.
2021/04/16 : "Anomalously porous boulders on (162173) Ryugu as primordial materials from its parent body" is accepted for publication in Nature Astronomy (by N. Sakatani+)
2021/03/15-19 : Five related talks and iPosters are presented in 52th LPSC (by Yada+, Kanamaru+, Okada+, Ohsigi+, Sakatani+).
2021/03/15 : "The MASCOT lander aboard Hayabusa2: The in-situ exploration of NEA (162173) Ryugu" is published in PSS (by Tra-Mi Ho et al.)
2021/03/13 : Hera-JAXA is approved to become an ISAS Pre-Project (Leader: T. Okada)
2021/02/15 : "Development and Improvement Status of Active X-Ray Generators for Future Lunar and Planetary Landing Observations" is published in Trans. JSASS (by H. Nagaoka et al.)
2021/02/03 : Ayumu Ohsugi is conculaturated on his MS degree with the title "Analysis of the temperature distributions of boulders on C-type asteroid 162173 Ryugu observed in low altitude operation of the asteroid explorer Hayabusa2".
2021/01/14 : Hera/TIRI Mission Design Review completed!
2021/01/06-07 : TIRI Poster presentation for ISAS Space Sciece Symposium (by T.Okada)
2021/01/05 : "Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu" is published in Nature Astronomy (by K. Kitazato+) >/p>
2021/01/01 : "Collisional history of Ryugu's parent body from bright surface boulders" is published in Nature Astronomy (by E. Tatsumi et al.)
2020/12/06 : Hayabusa2 Reentry Capsule returned to Earth!!
2020/12/02 : "The process for the selection of MASCOT landing site on Ryugu: Design, execution and results" is published in PSS (by L. Loarda et al.)
2020/11/12-14 : Talks and iPosters are presented in JSPS-Wakusei2020 (by Tanaka+, Sakatani+, Shimaki+, Ito+, Ohsugi+, Okada+)
2020/10/27-29 : "Ejected dust observations by LIDAR and TIR" is presented in Ukaren2020 (by H. Senshu).
2020/10/01 : "Hayabusa2 Landing Site Selection: Surface Topography of Ryugu and Touchdown Safety" is published in SSR (by S. Kikuchi et al.)
2020/09/21-30 : Two invited talks for Hayabusa2 in EPSC2020 (by Sugita+, Okada+).
2020/09/15 : "Thermophysical properties of the surface of asteroid 162173 Ryugu: Infrared observations and thermal inertia mapping" is published in Icarus (by Y. Shimaki et al.)
2020/09/01 : "Solar power sail mission of OKEANOS" is published in Astrodynamics (by O. Mori et al.)
2020/08/05 : "真空環境における岩石のワイヤソー切断加工(第1報):-基本的な加工特性-" is published in 精密工学会誌 (by 古谷 克司 et al.)
2020/07/06-10 : Several Talks and iPosters are presented in JpGU-AGU2020 (Okada+, Sakatani+, Shimaki+, Ito+, Ohsugi+, ...)
2020/06/25 : "火の鳥「はやぶさ」未来編 その21~熱撮像で明らかにされた始原的小惑星の超高空隙な特徴~" is published in JSPS Planetary People (日本惑星科学会誌 遊・星・人) (by 岡田達明 et al.)
2020/05/08 : "Sample collection from asteroid (162173) Ryugu by Hayabusa2: Implications for surface evolution" is published in Science (by T. Morota et al.)
2020/04/01 : "An artificial impact on the asteroid (162173) Ryugu formed a crater in the gravity-dominated regime" is published in Science (by M. Arakawa et al.)
2020/03/26 : "Highly porous nature of a primitive asteroid revealed by thermal imaging" is published in Nature (by T. Okada et al.)
2020/03/22 : Live Talk - Online "熱撮像で明らかにされた始原的小惑星の超高空隙な特徴(Highly porous nature of a primitive asteroid revealed by thermal imaging)" (by T. Okada)
2020/03/20 : "Thermography of asteroid and future applications in space missions" is published in Applied Science (by T. Okada et al.)
2020/03/18 : Press Release: Publication in Nature (online on 17 Mar 2020) (by T. Okada et al.)
2020/03/16-20 : Several papers are prepared online in LPSC2020, including the Invited Talk (by T. Okada), although the on-site meeting was cancelled due to COVID-19.
2019/02/04 : Yui Ishikawa is conglaturated to complete his Masters's thesis "New recovery method of Antarctic Micrometeorites from Antarctic ice and snow"
2020/02/01 : "Onboard signal processing system of HAYABUSA2" is published in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (by H. Hihara et al.)
2019/12/01 : "Effects of dust layers on thermal emission from airless bodies" is published in PEPS (by J. Biele et al.)
2019/11/01 : "Low thermal conductivity boulder with high porosity identified on C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu" is published in Nature Astronomy (by M. Grott et al.)
2019/09/19-23 : Invited talks and contributed talks by TIR in EPSC-DPS in Jeneva (by Okada+, Fukuhara+, Tanka+)
2019/08/23 : "Images from the surface of asteroid Ryugu show rocks similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites" is published in Science (R. Jaumann et al.)
2019/07/05 : "Thermography of Asteroid Ryugu by Hayabusa2" is presented as a Key Note Speach and also published in Proc. QIRT Asia (by T. Okada et al.)
2019/10/20 : "The landing and in-situ observation of (162173) Ryugu by the MASCOT lander" is presented and published in Proc. IAC2019 (by Tra-Mi Ho et al.)
2019/07/07-11 : Invited talk on TIR and contributed talk on MicrOmega-Curation in MetSoc2019, Sapporo (by T. Okada)
2019/07/11 : Hayabusa2 completed the 2nd touchdown for sample collection!!
2019/03/20 : "Hayabusa2 arrives at the carbonaceous asteroid 162173 Ryugu-A spinning top-shaped rubble pile" is published in Science (by S. Watanabe et al.)
2019/03/20 : "The geomorphology, color, and thermal properties of Ryugu: Implications for parent-body processes" is published in Science (by S. Sugita et al.)
2019/03/20 : "The surface composition of asteroid 162173 Ryugu from Hayabusa2 near-infrared spectroscopy" is published in Science (by Kitazato K. t al.)
2019/03/15-19 : Several papers are presented by oral and poster (Okada+, Sakatani+, Shimaki+, Arai+)
2019/02/21 : Hayabusa2 completed the 1st touchdown for sample collection!!
2019/01/30 : "はやぶさ2搭載光学航法機器の信頼性評価-リソース制約を満たす高信頼性システムの軌道上実証-" (檜原弘樹 et al.)
2018/12/10-14 : Invited talk on TIR results in AGU2018 Fallmeeting (by T. Okada et al.)
2018/12/01 : "Asteroid Ryugu before the Hayabusa2 encounter" is published in PEPS (by K. Wada et al.)
2018/10/20-25 : Invited talk on TIR results in DPS, Knoxville (by T. Okada et al.)
2018/10/03 : Hayabusa2 released MASCOT lander onto Ryugu, and MASCOT performed the one-day experiments on Ryugu!!
2018/10/01 : "Hayabusa2-Ryugu proximity operation planning and landing site selection" is published in Acta Astronautica (by T. Yamaguchi et al.)
2018/10/01 : "Science exploration and instrumentation of the OKEANOS mission to a Jupiter Trojan asteroid using the solar power sail" is published in PSS (by T. Okada et al.)
2019/09/21 : Hayabusa2 released the small hopping robots MINERVA-II-1A and -1B, for a long-term activity on Ryugu!!
2018/09/01 : "Earth and moon observations by thermal infrared imager on Hayabusa2 and the application to detectability of asteroid 162173 Ryugu" is published in PSS (by T. Okada et al.)
2018/06/28 : Hayabusa2 arrival at C-type asteroir Ryugu!!
2018/06/01 : "System Designing of Solar Power Sail-craft for Jupiter Trojan Asteroid Exploration" is published in Trans JSASS (by O. Mori et al.)
2018/06/01 : "Mapping Trojan asteroids in the thermal infrared with TROTIS" is published in Proceedings of SPIE (by J. Helbert et al.)